Penola in Port Lockroy. Luigi di Savola Peak in backgroundPhotographer: Stephenson, Alfred (1908-1999). Expedition: British Graham Land Expedition 1934-37. Leader: John Rymill. Date: 1936
The sinking of the Eira, August 21 1881Engraving by W.L.Wyllie for the London newspapers, featuring Benjamin Leigh Smiths fifth Arctic voyage 1881-82. Based on an original sketch by Benjamin Leigh Smith
The Samuel EnderbyMedium: coloured aquatint. Artist: C. Rosenberg after a painting by W.J. Huggins. The Samuel Enderby, of 422 Tons, William Lisle, Commander, leaving Cowes Roads for London, September 1834
The Brig Jane and Cutter Beaufoy, on 20th February 1823, bearing up in Latitude 74. 15Coloured aquatint by E. Duncan after a painting by W.J. Huggins. Published in October 1826, by Huggins, London
The Arctic Expedition at Whale Fish Island, near Disko, 8 July 1845Pencil sketch by Captain James Fitzjames, showing HMS Erebus and HMS Terror at anchor.
Officers and Sir Leopald McClintockOfficers standing on the deck of the ship Discovery with Sir Leopald McClintock (top hat). Reginald Skelton (left), Captain Robert Falcon Scott (centre with sword). Ernest Shackleton behind
Group of officers on floe alongside ship in pack icePhotographer: Reginald William Skelton (1872-1956). Expedition: British National Antarctic Expedition 1901-04 (Discovery). Group of eight officers on the ice beside the ship, Discovery
Aeneas Mackintosh, Jameson Adams and Bertam Armytage on board NimrodBritish Antarctic Expedition 1907-09. Leader: Ernest Shackleton